Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thing #2

I'm posting another slide show as promised with pictures of my granddaughter Anya Lilith St John born the day before Election Day in Sarasota.  I am really having a lot of fun and frustration working with this blog but as I overcome each obstacle (alone or with the help of FAQs or coworkers) I get more excited about the possibilities that are before each of us.  

There are so many ways for us to connect, research, express ourselves in this Web 2.0 world.  One of the reasons that I wanted to get involved in the NEFLIN 23 things project was to enable me to assist library users as they ask questions about blogs, facebook, e-mail, etc  because providing excellent customer service is very important to me.  As more and more members of our community see the library as not just a building with books and DVDs but as a portal to developing themselves, tapping into creative impulses, communicating with people outside their immediate neighborhoods, exploring new ideas - at no cost!  They don't have to purchase expensive equipment beyond their means - they can use the cool stuff at the library! 

Of course we spend a good deal of time helping with just the bare bones stuff.  If you want to apply for a job, you need to have an e-mail address, if you want to manage your FPL account online, you need to have an e-mail address.  And by the way, if you're applying for a job you might want to open an e-mail account for business purposes.  

Save the fluffybunnyclassof2001@yahoo.com to write to your friends! 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Talk about a cliche...

It's just been pointed out to me that posting pictures of cats on a library blog is hardly new or innovative. However, it took me quite a while to figure out how to use my photobucket  account to create a slide show AND to then load it into the blog in the slideshow spot instead of as another post.  I will try to more original with future slideshows.  Perhaps my next slideshow could have pictures of my 2 month old granddaughter...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing #1: Whew!

Imagine my surprise while in the midst of creating my first ever blog; I realized that I had named it "squitl". This is the word that I was prompted to type to prove that a real human being was creating the blog.  Fortunately, I was able to rename the blog as I had worked very hard to come up with a snappy name.  Unfortunately, all the snappy names were taken so I came up with this one.